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Brytyjskie Gimnazjum Nr 1

ul. Limanowskiego 15, 02-943 Warszawa
tel. + 48 (22) 842-32-81, fax +48 (22) 842-32-65

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- high quality teaching
- the school-parent partnership
- every student is an individual
- development the right values,
  attitudes and aptitudes to study

- a safe, happy and supportive environment
- high quality facilities

On leaving our school, our students are confident, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for the next stage of their education and their role in a challenging, demanding and rapidly changing world.

We are a school that parents can trust, and that your child will love. We follow the principles of the English National Curriculum, adapted to the needs of our international student community. Our approach ensures that your child reaches their full potential, and that they grow to be confident in everything they do.

About School

The British School was established in 1992 by Nord Anglia Education in partnership with Mrs. Iwona Thomas. NAE is the UK's leading provider of education in the independent sector. The British School, Warsaw was the first NAE International School and it opened its doors in 1992 with a total of 35 pupils. NAE now has international schools in citites around the world, including Budapest, Prague, Bratislava and Shanghai.

Our vision is to provide a high quality British education in an international context for children aged 2.5-18 years old.

Our Aims

English should develop pupils` abilities to communicate effectively in speech and writing and to listen with understanding. It should also enable them to be enthusiastic, responsive and knowledgeable readers.
Pupils will be introduced to a wide range of literature from a variety of sources and cultures including fiction and non-fiction pieces. They are encouraged to develop a critical and reasoned response. We trust that all our pupils will come to regard reading as a pleasurable activity. The targets of the National Curriculum are approached through oral and written work based on a range of texts including various forms of prose, poetry, drama and non-fictional material. This will also include using whole class readers for a variety of language and literature work.

Our aim is that upon leaving our school students are confident, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for the next stage of their education and their role in a challenging, demanding and rapidly changing world.

Clubs LEAP Programme

There are a variety of after school activities available to students. These are not compulsory; however they provide an excellent opportunity for students to experience and take part in something fun and stimulating. Some of the after school activities incur an additional cost as these usually involve specialist personnel and/or equipment. A list of the clubs will be printed and posted on the website at the start of each term. Students/ Parents may sign up for these activities subject to availability.

Facilities for Learning

Our facilities provide a safe, friendly and contemporary learning environment to nurture and encourage our students and to contribute to parental participation and community engagement. During the summer of 2013 our campus underwent renovation works in three key areas of our school – our reception area, school canteen and school playing field. Our top quality facilities give our students and school community a brilliant environment to learn, socialise and thrive.

Our campus provides

  • Light and airy classrooms - all networked, utilising interactive whiteboard technology complemented by various specialised study, activity and play areas for the various age groups
  • Furnished music suite and practice room where both individual as well as group talent is nurtured
  • Our dance and drama studio, equipped with mirrored walls, provides the perfect place for students of all ages to practice their moves and learn lines
  • 150 seat Vaclav Havel Theatre furnished with an impressive wide-screen projector used, among others, for digital media projects
  • Art and Design also feature strongly not only on impressive display boards and exhibitions around school but also within both the curriculum and after-school activities where resources range from a whole school art and design suite including pottery, kiln and art press to a designated Design and Technology lab in the Primary School
  • Four modern, well-equipped science laboratories where science experiments come to life
  • Two well-stocked libraries; one for Primary and one for Senior school, resources ranging from touch-and-feel books for our Early Years students, audio-visual media, fiction, study and career guides, an online database, a wide range of periodicals and ICT facilities
  • Students can choose from a wide range of sports in our large gymnasium and in the warmer months head out to our expansive sports pitch which looks out onto picturesque scenery below
  • Three large media suites inlcuding a dedicatedl iMac room, as well as an iMac area for primary students
  • A newly refurbished reception area which provides a welcoming and sociable space for pupils, parents and visitors alike to grab a coffee, have a chat and feel comfortable and welcomed when entering our school
  • Our school canteen has also recently been refurbished and is a comfortable and accessible space to eat and meet
  • Newly landscaped sports pitch, one of the largest school sports pitches in the city

To ensure our school has a truly British flavour, it has been fully equipped with resources from England. All classrooms are designed to provide light, warm and comfortable learning centres. The Hall / Gymnasiums are equipped with PE apparatus and complement the outdoor sports facilities. There are well equipped centres for Science, Art and Design, Information Technology, and the school Libraries are professionally managed.

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